Clyst Valley Regional Park Consultation

The Exeter Cycling Campaign are pleased to respond to East Devon District Council’s public consultation on the Clyst Valley Regional Park Master Plan draft. The Exeter Cycling Campaign’s vision is that the region is made accessible for people of all ages and abilities, using all forms of bike, to travel on safe, convenient and connected cycle paths. Significantly increasing the cycling modal share plays an important role in addressing climate breakdown, reducing pollution, alleviating congestion and making our city more liveable. Leisure cycling provides a readily accessible way to promote physical health and wellbeing and can bring valuable tourism into […]

Corona Virus Active Transport Measures

Having watched and listened to how conversations develop around the Corona Virus Active Transport measures, the Exeter Cycling Campaign wrote a FAQ with responses to most common queries.  Exeter Cycling Campaign understands the impact that car use has on Exeter. cars are incredibly important in bringing people to the city and they are dangerous, polluting and create among the worst congestion seen in the UK when used within the city itself. This is a dichotomy that other cities are dealing with and beginning to manage well. Cambridge, a city with which Exeter shares many similarities, also has a large travel […]

Making Our Streets COVID Safe

The Exeter Cycling Campaign welcomes Devon County Council’s call for local suggestions for how our streets can be made covid-safe. We recognise the government imperative to act quickly and to use pop-up infrastructure to create space for people to walk and cycle safely. Therefore, the campaign has put together a document detailing areas of concern and suggested solutions. Click here to read our suggestions.